Facts About Fluoride


Facts About Fluoride


Facts About Fluoride Larchmont NY | Eric Spellman, DMD | Dentist Larchmont, NYFluoride is a naturally occurring trace mineral that has been clinically proven helpful in fighting cavities and strengthening teeth. While fluoride is a mineral many of us have heard of, we often don’t know much about it. Although you don’t need to know everything about fluoride to reap its benefits, knowing what you’re ingesting and why is always a good idea! So, if you’re curious about the mineral fluoride and how it’s helping your overall oral health, read on to learn more about fluoride, the fantastic enamel enhancer!

5 Interesting Facts About Fluoride

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral.

You can find fluoride in all naturally occurring water sources. Fluorine enters public or community water supply by leaching into the groundwater from soil and rocks.

There is fluoride in my tap water!

Most cities in the U.S. add fluoride to the community water supply to help people’s oral health. The American Dental Association (ADA) cites community fluoride programs as beneficial in lessening tooth decay among adults and children. Unfortunately, the recommendation of fluoride concentration in water is a minor 0.7 parts fluoride per million parts water. Even at this low concentration, fluoride helps to strengthen of tooth enamel.

Bottled water won’t help your teeth from tooth decay.

While water from the tap or public drinking fountains has been treated with fluoride to help your teeth stay strong, most bottled water brands do not contain optimal fluoride levels. As a result, children and adults who habitually drink bottled water over the tap are more susceptible to cavities and tooth decay.

Home filtration systems vary in level of fluoride.

Some home filtration systems can impact the levels of fluoride in water. For example, reverse osmosis and distillation systems drastically lower the fluoride concentration. On the other hand, carbon and charcoal water filtration systems do not impact the level of fluoride in tap water.

You can ingest fluoride topically or systemically.

When you ingest fluoride topically, for example, through toothpaste, mouthwash, or rinsing your mouth out with tap water—fluoride helps to strengthen your existing enamel, making teeth less susceptible to tooth decay. In addition, systemically ingested fluoride from drinking water acts from within the body to help improve your teeth. Systemically ingested fluoride also aids in topical fluoride’s protection because it enters the saliva, coating the teeth in a protective fluoride barrier.

Schedule A Dentist Appointment!

Contact our dentist in Larchmont at (914) 315-4446 to schedule a dentist appointment. With over 30 years of experience, our advanced trained dentist, Eric Spellman, DMD, treats patients from Larchmont, Mamaroneck, Scarsdale, NY, and many surrounding areas.